Our Process
Planning catering & specific food for your event starts with a thorough review of the logistics and needs of your specific event. At All Points we know each event is different and will customize your menus to fit your group and/or participants.
The Steps
Pre-Production emphasis.
While races and multi-day events have a social aspect, race and larger event catering is WAY different than your average wedding or small private event. Often, a provider who has extensive wedding or private event experience is under equipped to handle the dynamic nature of large, multi-day corporate or sports events.
That is why All Points Events put emphasis on our pre-production sessions with you. Between remote video calls and in person meetings, we spend as much time needed addressing the logistical challenges associated with your event well before participants hit the starting line or clients touch down.
Planning Factors
Portions & Sizing
At All Points Events, we understand that race and event catering requires special considerations due to athlete dietary needs, dietary restrictions, increased appetites and carb loading. Our menus will allow your group to get the nutrition THEY need while taking all of the factors into account. We guarantee that the first person and the last person will have the same food options and ability for same size portions.
Access & Logistics
Worried that your event site might be too remote? Need to get lunch to a mountain pass with a dirt road or a coporate retreat deep in the woods? Not to worry, All Points has probably been somewhere like it. Our roots in the mountains of Colorado and our history of serving challenging race routes gives us our insight. Our pre planning sessions will include questions about limited access, roads closed for athletes and beyond.
Serving Infrastructure
Food takes space and the flow of a service setting is key to feeding folks in an efficient way. We help customers avoid overlooking the logistics of onsite food service. Keeping your patrons dry and their bellies full will be our mission with you.