Tournaments as a business
Golf Tournaments are a great way to earn revenue and treat guests
A well-run tournament can completely transform the experience at your club. With 57% of millennial golfers saying that socialization and events are an important part of their golf experience, and 84% of millennials saying that they value golf for its competitive attributes, it is clear that running quality tournaments is crucial for long term success in the golf industry.
At their core, all golf tournaments offer the thrill of competition to every participant and amplify the importance of every shot in a way that a casual round simply cannot. As nerve-wracking as they may be, golfers yearn for those first tee jitters and pressure-packed five-foot putts.
Golf tournament catering
There are a number of factors that come into play with catering services. The rule of thumb is simple: the more food you serve and the more guests you have, the more help you’ll need. Full-service catering includes a wealth of options for presentation before, during, and after your event.
When it comes to golf events, the logistics of a large course can be tricky. Centrally located clubhouses offer a great headquarters for food prep and staging, but long distance runs to satellite VIP tents, spectator viewing areas or player lounges can add to the work load. We work with our clients from the very beginning to plan catering services and identify food delivery challenges specific to each client.